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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Year 2 – Saint Francis of Assisi

Welcome to Year Two!

Our class saint is Saint Francis of Assisi.

Saint Francis of Assisi was a Catholic friar that gave up a life of wealth to live a life of poverty. He founded an order called the Franciscans and had one basic rule; "to follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps." Francis was known for his love of nature and animals. It is said that one day he was talking to some birds when they began to sing together. Then they flew into the sky and formed the sign of a cross.

"Saint Francis was from a wealthy family, but he gave his money to those that were less fortunate." Aria

"Saint Francis rebuilt a Church because God asked him to." Mikolaj

"He is the Patron Saint of animals, traders and the environment." Natalia

Welcome to the Summer Term

The Year Two Team

Our teacher is Miss Child. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Eyres, Mrs Migdzinksa, Mrs Miskella (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Emmisah (Thursday and Friday).

If you are interested in volunteering or hearing children read, we would welcome you to join us. Please get in touch!


Homework in Year Two consists of:

  • Daily reading
  • Daily spellings
  • Daily Times Tables Rock Stars
  • Weekly maths homework

Each term, we will also send home details of a longer homework project linked to our learning in class. Please let us know if you would like any support or advice regarding homework.


The children receive two reading books from school every week. Each book should be read at least three times to build up fluency. To support your children, please use the ‘top tips’ sent home and ask them questions about the texts they have read; talking about what they have read will help to develop their comprehension skills. You could also use a dictionary to look up unknown words together. Children may then go on to read their own books to help foster a love of reading. Reading should be recorded using the 'BoomRead' app. This is checked weekly and, if reading is recorded at least five times in a week, books are be changed. Please ensure that your child brings their book bag into school every day as we do daily 'Drop Everything and Read' sessions where we listen to readers. 

Please remember that we do not have the space to store large backpacks in the classroom and therefore the children should only bring their red, school book bags in to school.


We will have P.E. every Monday and Friday this term. Monday's session will be taken by Miss Child and Friday's sessions will be taken by a professional coach from Signature Sports. On these days, your child will need to wear their P.E. kits into school (white shorts, red polo top and black plimsolls). It is really important that all pieces of uniform, not just P.E. kits but school jumpers etc. too, are labelled clearly with your child's name. For your child's safety it is also highly important that long hair is tied back and that no earrings are worn on P.E. days.  If for any reason earrings cannot be removed, you will need to provide your child with tape or plasters that can cover them instead. 

Children should also bring a bottle of water into school every day. Juice/squash is NOT allowed in class.

Forest School

We will be doing Forest School and outdoor learning in some areas of the curriculum. A message will be sent via Class Dojo giving notice as to when additional outdoor clothing is required. Wellington boots can be stored on the pegs provided outside the classroom - we do use these a lot!

Please click on the attachments below to access the documents specifically for Year Two in Term 3. These documents will also be uploaded to our Class Dojo page.

Should you have any questions about the curriculum do let us know. We can be contacted directly via ‘messages’ on Class Dojo. Class Dojo is the main communication platform for all things relating to Year Two, so please check our Class Story regularly for updates, photos and weekly highlights. Overviews of the curriculum to be covered each term can also be found in the attachments below.

Warm regards,

Miss Child and the Year Two Team