Week 1
As we came together to pray, we remembered that we were in week one of Lent. The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days. Lent is a time in which Christians prepare for the great feast of Easter.
In the Gospel reading we heard how Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. During those 40 days, Jesus had to face some difficult choices.
While he was in the desert, Jesus stayed close to God, his Father, by praying, fasting, and making good choices. Jesus was preparing for his work of bringing the Good News to people.
During Lent, we too try to stay close to God by praying, giving things up; fasting, and being charitable; almsgiving.
In the Gospel we heard Jesus say that a person needs more than food to live. This doesn’t mean Jesus didn't think food was important. In fact there are many times in the Bible when Jesus shared meals with his followers and fed those who were hungry.
So, when Jesus said a person needs more than food, he was helping us to see that there are other important things we need to live well too such as water, shelter, medicine and education.
All these are important. But what about the things we need that help us to have joy and hope in our lives? Such as our family, friends, love, and faith. Sometimes we can forget just how important they are.
For Jesus, the most important thing was his relationship with God, his Father. Because Jesus’ love for God meant so much more than anything else, he was able to turn down the devil’s food temptation, even though he was very hungry.
This Lent, Jesus asks us to think about the choices we make. And though we will not be tempted as Jesus was, there may be times when we have to decide between doing what is loving and what is not.
In Lent, Jesus encourages us to make loving choices that bring us closer to each other and closer to God. We can grow closer to God through our prayers and through acts of charity.