Our new website will be mobile phone compatible!
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Looking for a Reception place for your child in September 2025?
We have held our Open Days but you are very welcome to make an appointment with our Headteacher to come and have a look around our school.
Ring 01454 866786
Deadline for admissions 15th January 2025
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We are currently consulting on a proposed Admissions Policy for 2026-27 - please click link for full details:
All after school sports and interest clubs restart on 6th January 2025
- see Class Dojo for full information!
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Just a reminder that school lunches should be
booked by 9am each day.
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Forest School Term 3 will be:
8th January - Year 4
15th January - Year 2
22nd January - Year 1
29th January - Year 3
5th February - Year 5
12th February - Reception
Please ensure that children wear suitable clothing for the weather
(school uniform not needed) - wellies, coats, gloves and joggers are recommended.
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Section 48 RE Inspection Result
We are delighted to share our final CSI report with you which confirms that we are a ‘Good’ Catholic school, but are ‘Outstanding’ in both Catholic Life and Collective Worship. The full report is available:
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Our latest newsletter has been sent out
and is available on the website!
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Please check Class Dojo regularly to ensure you keep up to date!
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Our after school care provision runs from 3.30pm until 6pm Monday to Thursday, and 3.30 until 5pm on Fridays. The cost is as follows:
Monday – Friday 3.30 – 4.30pm (£5)
Monday – Thursday 3.30 – 6pm (£10)
Friday 3.30 – 5pm (£7.50)
Sibling rate is:
Monday – Friday 3.30 – 4.30pm (£4)
Monday – Thursday 3.30 – 6pm (£8)
Friday 3.30 – 5pm (£6.50)
If your child wishes to attend one of our sports clubs before coming to Fox Cubs they are welcome to do so – the cost will remain as above, but there will be no requirement to pay the £2 sports club charge. This will not apply to other externally run clubs (e.g. dance, cooking or Pride in Play); however, your children may do one of those clubs and then join Fox Cubs after if needed. Children will be provided with a snack and drink.
Please come to the office for a booking form or if you have any questions. Alternatively, you can email
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We always welcome volunteers in school to listen to readers, to help with swimming and lots of other classroom based tasks. If you have some free time, and a current DBS, please contact us. We can help arrange a DBS if needed.
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Breakfast Club is available!
Please don't forget that places must be booked and paid for in advance.
£5 per child, £4 for siblings
7.45am start
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All newsletters are available on the Communications tab and on Class Dojo. Please check emails and the Communications tab for full details or speak to the office if you require a paper copy.
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Please note that we are a NUT-FREE school. Please ensure your child does not bring food into school that contains nuts of any kinds. Thank you for your support.
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