Mad Science Assembly
Last Friday, the children had an assembly led by ‘Mad Science’, an organisation that visits schools to enhance a school’s science curriculum. It was an amazing experience for all the children; filled with many different scientific experiments and surprises, but most of all learning opportunities that complimented concepts taught in class.
During their visit all the children were handed a flyer to take home to you all advertising ‘The In-Person and Virtual Clubs’ available this summer.
Hopefully the children came home and told you all about the day’s activities! If not, ask them!
Please see attached photographs that were taken on the day. On Dojo there are some videos too.
Some pupil comments about the assembly that were shared:
Thank you for the assembly, it was perfect!
I liked it because it was funny. All the children were laughing!
It was fun because the table was picked up by plunger man and the bottom stuck on!
I wish we could have assembly like that every day. It was amazing!
Atomic Andy was so magical!
I though the cup was very cool because the water stayed in the cup on the Frisbee when it was swinging!
I thought that it was scary and awesome because when you saw the big rocket I thought it was going to blast a massive hole into the roof.
My favourite part was when the whoosh bottle was on fire, I thought it was going to set fire to the school.
I thought it was very amazing and awesome because there was fire and rockets and they went so high. I learned that if you use a hairdryer you can blow and make a ball fly in the air.
I thought there was going to be a fire, there are so many good things to say because I love science.
The science was cool, I liked the Plunger Man when he picked up the table.
I thought it was mad because there was fire.
I thought it was creative.
I thought it was quite good because of the experiments, my favourite part was when he made fire.
I was a bit scared because I didn’t like the fire but it was good to learn about the rocket experiment, I liked the big one the best.
I like the fire and when the pots went pop!
I liked it when he used the big hairdryer to make the ball go up in the air.