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Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

Our ELSA is Mrs Eyres.

ELSAs are Emotional Literacy Support Assistants working in schools. They:

- help children recognise, understand and manage emotions to increase success.

- plan and deliver individual (and small group) support programmes

- receive training and supervision from Educational Psychologists

Different areas an ELSA can support:

1. Emotional literacy in schools / recognising emotions

2. Self-esteem / active listening and communication skills

3. Anger management / working therapeutically

4. Social skills / autistic spectrum difficulties and social narratives

5. Friendship skills / writing therapeutic stories

6. Loss and bereavement / programme planning

The Benefits of Focusing on Emotional Literacy:

- Children learn more effectively when they feel OK.

- If we help children to manage their emotions more effectively and therefore learn better, then we will help to raise standards.

- When children feel better, they get more enjoyment out of their learning

- Developing children’s ability to manage their emotions more effectively reduces their stress levels.